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    Environmental Policy

    Environmental Policy
    We see environmental sustainability as one of the most important areas for both the future of our business and our world. Being green is one of our brand values. We reach for green ideas and prepare to face the challenges. We believe that these challenges can be solved with hard work. Our environmental goals are simple and straightforward: to use 100 percent by renewable energy, to create zero waste, and to sell products that sustain our natural resources and environment.
    Based on the ISO 9001-2008 Quality management system, the Group has established Environmental Management Committee and implemented environmental protection management system. On-line monitoring devices are installed in the water treatment section and boiler section to constantly monitor the quality of disposed water.
    The water resources are limited. We constantly strive to use less water and to improve the quality of our discharged water. We are also studying and applying methods for preventing and managing marine and freshwater pollution.